Counter-Terrorism Group
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Bafel Talabani: CTG forces and their commanders are the Kurdistan Defense Shield

Bafel Jalal Talabani: CTG forces and their commanders are the Kurdistan Defense Shield

Bafel Jalal Talabani, President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), met with Wahab Halabjaei, Director General of the Counter-Terrorism Group CTG

At the beginning of the meeting, the Director General of Counter-Terrorism presented the future intelligence and military strategy of his department to protect the region, fighting terrorism and coordination with Iraqi forces and allies and stressed the continuity of operations and efforts to maintain stability in the region.

In turn, President Bafel Jalal Talabani thanked the CTG forces as the first Counter-terror force in Kurdistan and their efforts to fight terrorists and thwart several plots to disrupt the security of the region. “You are an example of loyal and hardworking commanders of Kurdistan and have recorded a proud history. Your activities to maintain the stability of the region and its beloved people testify to your loyalty and tirelessness” Bafel Jalal Talabani said.

President Bafel also said that we will continue to work with our allies to expand and strengthen the CTG forces to become a stronger shield to protect Kurdistan.

At the end of the meeting, the PUK President presented an award to the Counter-Terrorism Directorate for their efforts and sacrifices for the sake of Kurdistan and the prosperity of its people.



Counter-Terrorism Group

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