Counter-Terrorism Group
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Director General of CTG participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new commander of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command

Director General of CTG participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new commander of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command


Director General of CTG participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new commander of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command


Today, Monday, November 13, 2023, Wahab Halabjaei, Director General of Counter-Terrorism Group CTG , participated in the ceremony of the changing commander of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command

Attended by General Commander Mustafa Chawrash and Chief of Staff Major General Omar Salih Hassan, Intelligence Director Polo Shalaw Ali Askari from the Forces 70, Director General of the Kurdistan Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG) Wahab Halabjay, along with senior Peshmerga, security officers, officials and commanders, The change ceremony of the commander of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command was held at the headquarters of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command.


H.E Mustafa Chawrash, Commander of the 70th Forces, highlighted the importance of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command in protecting of Kurdistan, and praised the role of Lieutenant Khala Kakamand as the commander and wished success to Lieutenant Colonel Rizgar Jabar Mohammed Qadir, who took office as the new commander of the Peshmerga Defense and Emergency Command

Counter-Terrorism Group

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